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Our Vac Bora trucks are small enough to fit into tight work sites without compromising their ability to dig quickly whilst removing over 3,000L of excavated material.


If the Vacuum Excavator truck is too large to fit into the area where work is required, our vacuum excavator units can operate up to 100 metres away from the truck, while still maintaining vacuum power efficiency.


We can reduce environmental destruction and re-instatement costs as we are able to dig exact size, depth and shape footings, trenches and holes. Vac Bora vacuum excavator trucks are very quick at excavating in and around underground assets (electrical, communication and water services) safely.


We can also reduce time spent and costs organising individual contractors, with one phone call to us, we organise electronic locators, concrete/bitumen cutting, directional boring, barricading & temporary fencing, mini excavators, backfill and re-instatement.

Potholing - to locate, expose and sight underground services

Vacuum Excavation - trenching, pole / post holes and footings.

Jetting - Cleaning Pipes, Pits, Conduits & Drains

Industrial Cleaning (High Pressure Water) – machinery, buildings, footpaths & driveways etc.

Vacuum Loading – Wet and Dry Waste Removal

Cable Hauling and Conduit Proofing

Under Boring – Pathways, Driveways

Concrete/ Bitumen Cutting & Jackhammering


After Hours Response – spills, power poles, fire mop up etc.

Clearing Access Tracks & work areas – vehicle access etc.

Power Pole & Concrete Footing removal

Installing Pits & Conduits

Rag Bolt Cage Footing Removal & Installation

Backfill & Re-instatement (including concreting & bitumen/asphalt reinstatement)

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